Roger Technology M30 230V

Roger Technology
M30 230V

Elektromehanički motor 230V AC ireverzibilan, idealan za klizna vrata do 400 kg. s ugrađenom upravljačkom jedinicom H70, optičkim enkoderom i mehaničkim krajnjim stoperom.
Idealno: Za komercijalna klizna vrata do 400 kg.
Sigurno: Upravljanje enkoderom omogućuje preciznu i sigurnu kontrolu usporavanja pri otvaranju i zatvaranju.
Praktično: Automatsko programiranje putem funkcije “autolerning” upravljačke jedinice.
Brzo: Jednostavnost ugradnje i pokretanja zahvaljujući jednostavnosti funkcija i podešavanja visine i dubine.
Snažan: Ima čvrstu aluminijsku bazu obrađenu antikorozivnom bojom i pouzdan motor Roger 220V, montiran u namjenska kućišta i ležajeve.
Opremljen je polugom za otpuštanje i zaključavanjem jednostavnim za rukovanje.
- M30/323 – elektromehanički motor 230V AC irreverzibilan, za klizna vrata do 400 kg.
- KIT M30/325 – elektromehanički motor M30/323, plug-in prijemnik 2 kanala, odašiljač fiksnog koda, par sinkroniziranih vanjskih fotoćelija, LED treperavo svjetlo, antena za LED treperavo svjetlo, prijavna ploča “Automatsko otvaranje”
Max gate weight: | 400 kg |
Power line supply: | 230V AC – 50Hz |
Motor power supply: | 230V AC |
Power rating: | 210W |
Frequency of use: | 50% |
Thrust: | 250N |
Operating temperature: | -20+55°C |
Protection level: | IP43 |
Reductor Type: | Irreversible |
Manoeuvre speed: | 9.5 m/min (0.16 m/s) |
Motor thermal protection: | 150°C |
Incorporated condenser: | 12,5 µF |
Limit switch: | Mechanical limit switch |
Onboard control unit: | H70/104AC |
Encoder: | Optical |
Type exit gear: | Z15/mod 4 |
Maximum dimension product in mm (L x W x H): | 250 x 165 x 290 |
Product weight packed (Kg): | 10,3 |
Number items per pallet: | 44 |
Fixing plate with stay bolts and screws M30 series.
Kit magnetic limit switch for control unit H70/103AC, H70/104AC, B70/1DC, B70/1DCHP.
Galvanised steel rack 22x22x1000 module 4.
Galvanised steel rack 30x12x1000 module 4 with spacers and screws.
Nylon rack module 4 with 6 connectors L.1000.
Pocket of 6 spacers (2,5 Cm) and screws.
Raised fixing plate for M30 series (+3 cm).
Signboard Automatic Opening”.
Max gate weight: 400 kg |
Power line supply: 230V AC – 50Hz |
Motor power supply: 230V AC |
Power rating: 210W |
Frequency of use: 50% |
Thrust: 250N |
Operating temperature: -20+55°C |
Protection level: IP43 |
Reductor Type: Irreversible |
Manoeuvre speed: 9.5 m/min (0.16 m/s) |
Motor thermal protection: 150°C |
Incorporated condenser: 12,5 µF |
Limit switch: Mechanical limit switch |
Onboard control unit: H70/104AC |
Encoder: Optical |
Type exit gear: Z15/mod 4 |
Maximum dimension product in mm (L x W x H): 250 x 165 x 290 |
Product weight packed (Kg): 10,3 |
Number items per pallet: 44 |
Fixing plate with stay bolts and screws M30 series.
Kit magnetic limit switch for control unit H70/103AC, H70/104AC, B70/1DC, B70/1DCHP.
Galvanised steel rack 22x22x1000 module 4.
Galvanised steel rack 30x12x1000 module 4 with spacers and screws.
Nylon rack module 4 with 6 connectors L.1000.
Pocket of 6 spacers (2,5 Cm) and screws.
Raised fixing plate for M30 series (+3 cm).
Signboard Automatic Opening”.